Donate your Vehicle

Your old car may not be worth much to you, but it could help us a lot! No matter what your car is (or isn’t) worth, donating it to Mission of Mercy to support our important work can make a big difference. If you are thinking about making a change in your transportation, consider donating your old vehicle to Mission of Mercy! It’s easy, and it’s impactful!

6 Reasons to Donate Your Vehicle to Mission of Mercy

  1. It’s easy and pick-up is free!
  2. Skip the hassle of “For Sale” ads and managing all the “foot” traffic that isn’t serious about buying your car,
  3. Avoid the cost of registration, insurance, and repairs on an older vehicle. 
  4. Free up space in your driveway or stop paying for parking.
  5. Your tax-deduction value (for itemized tax returns) will be higher than a low trade-in offer.
  6. Donating to MOM feels good and it makes a difference!