a Johnson, Avondale Clinic Computer Input Volunteer
Q. How long have you been volunteering for Mission of Mercy?
A. Almost three months.
Q. How did you find Mission of Mercy?
A. I was drawn to volunteer through friends from my church, Bob and Lee Pitts, along with the idea of people without insurance receiving free medical care.
Q. What inspires you to volunteer?
A. I believe God is the director of my life and His timing of events are perfect. He has a plan and a purpose for everyone and everything we encounter along life’s journey.
“The tender loving care of human beings must never become obsolete. People even more than things, have to be restored, renewed, revived, reclaimed, redeemed and redeemed and redeemed. Never throw anyone away.” – unknown
This quote was given to me at my volunteer orientation at Mission of Mercy. It is just as I believe!
During my short time at Mission of Mercy, I have seen the faces of pain on those who struggle with an illness and the face of concern and worry on those who watch their loved one through that illness. I’ve seen the smiles and whispers of “thank you” along with huge hugs saying “I know you care.”
I’ve seen these faces before. They were faces coming from our lifelong friends Scott and Jyl.
In September of 2011, life changed in an instant for us and our dear friends. At dinner we received the devastating news that Scott had stage four kidney cancer. He died four months later on January 26, 2012 at the age of 56. He had three daughters with his wife of 36 years.
In order the have the best medical care and live closer to family they put their home up for sale and moved. Over that 4 months, the company Scott worked for was sold to another. Suddenly, Scott was caught in the middle. The company policy stated that if Scott didn’t sign the paperwork, he would be out of work. If he did sign with the new company, he would have to pass a physical. It was inevitable in his condition he would not pass a physical. Scott was being thrown away!
This was heart wrenching for my husband and I to see our friends worrying about insurance when Scott was on the verge of death. We wanted to do everything we could to help. They would NOT be thrown away!
This is not a familiar story. It is a hidden story. There are many who come to Mission of Mercy who have their own story of why they have no medical insurance. They are not thrown away! I see Mission of Mercy as God placing in the hearts of doctors, nurses, and other men and women volunteers a compassion, a commitment and a love for people who are sick and hurting, no matter the cost.
My prayer is that if you are a volunteer or considering, you are inspired and encouraged to carry on and serve. If you are not able to volunteer, please consider helping financially with a donation. In this day and time, the tender loving care of human beings must never become obsolete.